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Big Horn Sheep, Montana

Big Horn Sheep, Montana

Hog In The Brushes

Hog In The Brushes

Doe Portrait

Doe Portrait

Three Ladies In Wyoming

Three Ladies In Wyoming

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

Field of Sorrels

Field of Sorrels

Paint Frame

Paint Frame

PA Snowy Day

PA Snowy Day

Amish Draft Horse & Colt

Amish Draft Horse & Colt

Kings of the Hill, Montana

Kings of the Hill, Montana

Suckling Calf

Suckling Calf

First Snow Angus on the Rocky Mountain Front

First Snow Angus on the Rocky Mountain Front

Running Elk Herd

Running Elk Herd

A Bushel Of Grizzlies, Montana

A Bushel Of Grizzlies, Montana

Talking Hungarian Dog

Talking Hungarian Dog

Wonderful Old Dog, Finger Lakes, New York

Wonderful Old Dog, Finger Lakes, New York

Hermit On The Move

Hermit On The Move

Catfish & Butterflies

Catfish & Butterflies

Roseate Spoonbill In Flight

Roseate Spoonbill In Flight

Roseate Spoonbill Pair On Nest

Roseate Spoonbill Pair On Nest